The Sacred Tree - Crystals, Jewellery & Gifts

Strickland Street, Denmark, WA 6333 ,Australia
The Sacred Tree - Crystals, Jewellery & Gifts The Sacred Tree - Crystals, Jewellery & Gifts is one of the popular Gift Shop located in Strickland Street ,Denmark listed under Local business in Denmark , Gift Shop in Denmark ,

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More about The Sacred Tree - Crystals, Jewellery & Gifts

Tony's Universal Shamanic Background, training and teachers.

Tony's earliest interest (this lifetime) in Shamanic philosophy began with his platform work in Spiritualist Church's in Auckland in his early 20's (late 70's) as he opened up to the inner planes clairvoyantly, with his association with 'joseph' a kindly Maori Tohunga from Mount Egmont in New Plymouth. Tony travelled extensively throughout over 40 countries developing his Psychic and Shamanic abilities including 6 months in Africa, where he was trained in effective curse removal, to Western Russia, where the word Shaman comes from, and 0verhead readings in London for 2 years. Tony was then drawn to 'Uluru' in Northern Territory, where he met his twin flame and worked for 'Anangu Tours' for 8 years and associated with Ngangkari men who he worked for. Tony and Julie ran Shamanic guided journey's once a week where Tony was taken into the Uluru temple (etherically) many times, to see the antiquity held within.

Whilst living at Uluru, Tony's family met a Lakota Sioux Sundancer and his two companions travelling with their Thunder Drum to the Uluru/Mutijulu Aboriginal community. There Tony and his family were bestowed with the pipe ceremony and other teachings.

Great Spirit then guided Tony and Julie to live in Western Australia at Koorabup (Denmark) , where the forest meets the sea, near Valley of the Giants. Here Tony continues to work on the inner plains with these same Ngangkari and Lawmen, with teachings and told to share this knowledge as the planet was evolving through an ascension and self mastery was vital for all.

Tony has 1000's of healed and satisfied clients through both Shamanic healings and Clairvoyant Readings, linking others to the world of spirit.

Tony's workshops are practical, hands on, heart felt and enables everyone to successfully engage in direct personal experiences with the spirit world.

Regardless of your walk of life for the past 10 years Tony and his principle guide have brought this unique in-depth form of healing to a wide array of clients including: Nurses, Lawyers, School-Teachers, Musicians, Artisians, Psychologists, Reiki Masters, Policemen, Accountants, Soldiers, Tradespeople, fellow Spiritual Warriors, Parents, Children and our Jack Russell, following a vicious dog attack. On average Tony would consult around 500 people per year...... including clients Tony would consult with on Skype and Phone healings.

Julie’s Journey

As a young child Julie had a strong connection to nature, stones and the fairy kingdom. At night she regularly received insights into the dreaming connection to 'reality'.

Julie always felt that she had the light with her and that the light assisted her in her meditations to see life clearly. She went through many transitions and tribulations which assisted in her growth.

In 1984 she had direction to move from Adelaide to Uluru where her creativity was awakened. She wrote poetry and spent a lot of time in the red desert, day or night. She began feeling a beating from the earth that resonated with her being and felt right. Not knowing where her life was heading, Julie was living day to day and loving it. On a sojourn to Adelaide she had a crystal calling. She searched and found her first quartz crystal point. This was the beginning of Julie's crystal journey. Whilst living at Uluru she began a shop at home selling tumbled stones and quartz crystals, candles, jewellery and became well known in the community as 'the crystal lady'.

Twin flames meet at Uluru

On 8.8.88, the adventure changed when Julie was introduced to Tony, who had come over to Uluru, from Auckland, for a reunion party that night. There was an instantaneous soul connection and telepathic messages were going back and forth between the pair.

A strong bond was formed. From there Tony and Julie moved back to Adelaide late 1989, due to the passing of Julie’s mother. The same year Julie discovered that she was pregnant, they moved to Kangaroo Island, to live out in the bush. Here the family of three settled into a new life; living simply, making dream catchers, smudge fans, crystal wands, and medicine shields that Julie would paint with different animals, birds and insects. Tony meanwhile was making rocking horses, doll houses and wooden rainbows which they would sell at the markets or shops in Adelaide and on the Island.

Leaving Uluru with Min Min

In 1993 Tony and Julie moved back to Uluru again for yet another adventure. Many magical times were spent there; taking meditation and drumming groups out into the red desert, breathing in the fresh night air, sunsets, sunrises, camping and lots of open fires. Here Julie developed her range of desert inspired jewellery utilising gemstones and seeds, mulga wood sticks scattered throughout the desert and the many raptor feathers found sadly abundant on the road.

After 9 years they felt it was time to move back into mainstream society. But where to go? Each year Tony and Julie would go on holiday to Western Australia. This time they went to Denmark. As they drove through the towering trees, the entrance to Denmark, they fell in love with the area and the mist of light surrounding it.

As they departed Uluru and the Great Red Desert for the last time in their old white ford falcon, they both noticed in the back seat, a guide they hadn’t met before who was coming along with them for the ride. Her name was Min Min and she was a wonderful Aboriginal Woman. On the side of their car was painted a Rainbow Serpent and they were told to take it with them to Denmark where it would live in a waterhole near here.

Tony’s spiritual Journey - Auckland

Tony’s connection with his spirituality began in his late teens when regular nocturnal visits by an old Indian Chief would soon become the norm.

“I was never afraid, to find in the middle of the night, this kind gentle soul smiling enigmatically towards me from the corner of my bedroom. Soon ‘White Feather’, as I discovered his name through meditations soon afterwards, would also bring his favorite white pony, they were inseparable. I quickly realized that ‘things’ weren’t as they seemed. I was then introduced through these familiar experiences, to “the world of spirit’. “

Tony’s mother had just recently become friends with a local spiritualist church medium called, Edna. Edna swept Tony under her wing, when she saw his keen interest in the weekly Sunday Overhead Readings. Edna brought Tony on to the next stage of circle work and weekly training sessions, preparing him for future ‘platform work’. This he enjoyed for many years, before travelling overseas to see the world.

Tony used this opportunity to travel to over 45 countries, revisiting past life connections he experienced including Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Africa’s Eastern Coast, UK and North America. Eventually he returned briefly to NZ, for a few months before being called to Uluru in Australia.

Tony recalls when he met Julie, his twin flame/soul mate from lives and dimensions shared beforehand, on the 8.8.88;

“A strange sense of telepathy followed almost immediately and the longing left me, a sense of finding ‘home’ simply ensured.”

Indigenous spirit guidance

At Uluru, Tony ‘s connection to the indigenous people of Australia was cemented through his friendship with local Elder, Bob Randall. Tony began to take tour groups to the centre to learn from ‘Uncle Bob’. Other highlights included an extraterrestrial encounter in 1989 with Tony channeling a group calling themselves The Galactic Federation, who came through several times, (and still do), and a ‘chance’ meeting with 3 Lakota Sioux Sun dancers from Arizona, travelling around Australia with their Thunder Drum. He, Julie and Jay were privileged to be included in a Sacred Pipe Ceremony.

Co-Creating their vision

In the past 13 years Spirit has directed Tony and Julie to compliment the healing energy present in Denmark by opening the Sacred Tree, a metaphysical book and gift shop with an aura camera. Julie also sells her desert design jewellery in the local art and craft gallery while Tony offers Shamanic Workshops, Soul Retrievals, Clairvoyant readings and channelled sessions. Julie was inspired to take up playing the Native American flute and she now sells the flutes and conducts flute circles.

“The flute came into my heart with its haunting melodies. A remembrance of who I really am emerged and continues to do so. I always play from the heart, inspired by both nature and my 14 years of living in the Great Red Desert near Uluru.”

Tony found a need for like-minded people to come together, so weekly community meditations from their studio, Wolf Lodge, followed. Tony continues to speak to and frequently channels ‘other worldly beings’, including representatives of The Galactic Federation, clients Spirit Guides, Passed on Relatives, and Angels.

From their Gift shop ‘The Sacred Tree,’ Tony assists client’s healing experiences through using an Aura and Chakra Camera. The images reveal blocked or damaged chakras, often resulting from trauma of some kind of action which can be repaired by re-opening these vital energy portals.

Earth healing is also something Tony and Julie are called to do, depositing medicine wheels wherever they go, Tony has developed a unique form of Core Shamanism through his Cherokee Guide, White Feather.

In his work, Tony feels strongly that:

“It is time to honor our Mother Earth, time for us to step into our co-created dream of the New Earth. Put simply it is time to ‘Wake Up’, time to be healed of our scars, our wounds, time to heal our Mother with our respect and Love for her. In other words, I believe this is the foretold time of Self Mastery and Stewardship, both of self and the planet.”


Map of The Sacred Tree - Crystals, Jewellery & Gifts