58 George Street, Bathurst, NSW 2795 ,Australia
Fifty8GEORGE Fifty8GEORGE is one of the popular Trophies & Engraving Shop located in 58 George Street ,Bathurst listed under Shopping/retail in Bathurst , Signs & Banner Service in Bathurst , Trophies & Engraving in Bathurst , Screen Printing & Embroidery in Bathurst ,

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fifty8GEORGE values the responsible use of social media and expects that your participation be done in a responsible and respectful manner.

fifty8GEORGE has policies and guidelines that govern the expectations of online behaviour via social media and reserve the right to remove content that we believe is in breach of these policies and guidelines.

fifty8GEORGE reserves the right to remove content if it contains:

Offensive abusive, obscene, profane, hateful or racist content, links or images

Comments that threaten or defame any person or organisation

The direct, full name or descriptive reference to an individual, irrespective of the post’s tone

Solicitations and advertisements by other organisations or endorsements by other organisations or endorsements of other organisations

Multiple or repetitive posts by a single user

Repetitive posts copied and pasted or duplicated by single or multiple users

Anything else that fifty8GEORGE deems inappropriate and does not align with our values, standards, policies and guidelines.

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